
Moonlight Resonance (家好月圆)

No link to the 1st season, Heart of Greed (溏心风暴). But similar plot, with same old casts but new roles.

Story about a happy family with 6 children , Jia(家), Hao(好), Yue(月), Yuan(圆), Qing(庆), Zhong(中), running a small famous mooncake shop.

As the story go on, unhappiness soured in the family, with mother-in-law angry with her daughther-in-law, Ho(荷) for causing the death of her younger son. Taking the advantage of situation, Jo's(祖) lover, Hong(红), whom worked in his bakery shop and has long time affair with him, urge him to divorce with his wife, Ho and marry her.

After Jo and Ho split, They estrangled in lawsuit for their children custory. With judge decision to award 3 children to each of them, making the brothers and sisters separate from each other.

10 years passed, story go on with Jo's mooncake business under Hong management doing very good while Ho's small time cake shop struggling to make end meet but living happily with her son and daughters.

A well worth to watch drama with each exciting episode of mother love, family kinship of happiness and sadness , quarrelling and conspiracy stir by jealous stepmum and money-mind relatives in the family.

Still running in Hong Kong, will be this year mooncake festival theme drama...


Iphone launched finally

(picture are from www.hardwarezone.com/articles/view.php?cid=18&id=2670)

At the stroke of midnight to 22 Aug, Iphone finally arrived at our shore. Fans had waited since the launched of Iphone 1st generation, and today Singaporean fans can finally buy from Singtel store. As for the launch, fans have been start queueing up as early as 12 hours before, and probaby now enjoying sliding their iphone with their finger...

Although it launched on my birthday, It will be nice if Singtel offer me as a birthday present, after all I also a Singtel customer for so long... (Don't mind to have one more since I already owe one, can use as back up phone... you all know how "long life" is the battery...)